
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Books on diverse topics

More and more people I know are publishing books. Most recently, besides David Frum's Patriots (of which I'm awaiting my paperback), there is Lawyers, Guns and Photos: Photographs and Tales of My Adventures with Warren Zevon, by my friend George Gruel. This Wednesday, I believe, George will be appearing on Gabe Wisdom's radio show to talk about the book. Also: I just met Patrick Ciser, ex-policeman and karate teacher, whose Budo and the Badge: Exploits of a Jersey Cop has just come out.

I have my own ideas for books, though whether the 21st century public is ready for them we'll have to see. Meanwhile, I am busy reading, for an expected review, Uncontrolled: The Surprising Payoff of Trial-and-Error for Business, Politics, and Society by Jim Manzi, whom I don't know personally.