
Friday, June 30, 2017

Erie Canal at 200: links

As July 4 is the 200th anniversary of the groundbreaking of the Erie Canal, a number of articles and posts have appeared lately about the canal's history and DeWitt Clinton. Some links are below. My book on the subject will be out later this year, mixing history with family history as DeWitt Clinton is a direct ancestor of my wife and son; and featuring extensive photos of what you see now as you travel the canal's historic and modern paths. More to come about the book in the next couple months.

News flash: Clinton Street was NOT named for Hillary Clinton (Chicago Sun Times)

200 Years on the Erie Canal (Commentary magazine)

200 Years Ago, Erie Canal Got Its Start as Just a ‘Ditch’ (NY Times)

New York's Erie Canal: How a 200-year-old ditch made the Empire State (

What Donald Trump said about the Erie Canal (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)